Sunday, September 18, 2011

House in Germany

I think I have a house problem. This house is currently available for a mere 14.2 million Hungarian forint (about $70K), in Jöhstadt, Germany. It's 12 rooms, needs work, 5000 square feet or thereabouts, and I freaking want it so bad.

But no, I gotta look for stuff in Budapest. All the good stuff is taken there. (Not entirely true; prices are way down this year. I'm hoping we can find something interesting - if nothing else, we may be able to buy my wife's old family home if we can persuade the current owner to do a deal.)


  1. I don't want that one; I want the pale one next to it. Fortunately, since I have no money, I don't want to move to Germany.

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  2. The pale one next to it isn't for sale, unfortunately. But oh, I'm drooling over this one.

  3. Of course I haven't seen the insides. Why don't they ship houses across the ocean?

    Mary Anne in Kentucky
